[EuroPython] Download and setup instructions for CAPSconference client

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Mon May 16 19:37:48 CEST 2005

If you, as a track chair, want to manipulate your talks, you need to download, 
install and run a GUI client into the CAPSconference system that registers 
these things.

1. Download 

2. Unzip/untar

3. Do cd into the directory

4. do ./install.sh
Follow the instructions.
(You can now remove the unpacked directory.)

5. Run "straktclient --langauge=en" in the directory you selected under 4.
Follow the common instructions below.

1. Download  http://www.strakt.com/~jacob/europython/Euroython_client.msi

2. Execute the Install.msi file.

3. Launch the installed CAPS client
Follow the common instructions below.


1. Enter your user name in the wizard unless it is already there and correct 
according to the list below:

If you are not on the list, and want to be able to log in, send me an email, 
and I will create an account for you.

2. You should be prompted for a password. If you are not, then you are 
probably prompted for a certificate. If so, something is wrong, and you need 
to mail me and decribe what problems you are having.

The password you need to enter, you have to get from me through a personal 
email. Send me an email, and I will send you a reply with the password.

3. You can now protect your personal certificate with a password. You may set 
it to an empty string. However, that will allow anyone who gets access to 
your certificate to access the CAPSconference system.

4. You should now get logged into the system.

5. In order to handle information about your track, you need to create a 
search for the talks that belong to your track. Use Searches/Create...
The type of object you are seaching for is "Presentation", and you want to 
search for "Track one of <your track>". "is exactly" will work too, but won't 
demonstrate how you can broaden your search to include multiple tracks.

Save your search and create a button for it, for future use. 

How to change info in the talks should be obvious.

To a Presentation, you can tie Performances, which contain info about time and 
place when the presentation is performed. Please refrain from scheduling any
talks before we have information about peoples interests registered.

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