[EuroPython] registered presentation disappeared

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Mon May 2 19:53:09 CEST 2005

Jacob Hallén wrote:

>On måndag 02 maj 2005 17:25, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
>>My talk submission on EP disappeared (or rather was replaced by another
>>it had the following ID: 1762 (now it shows Tarek's presentation instead)
>>I have just entered it again now it is registered under the id 2392
>ID 1762 has a total of 5 speakers, including you, registered. The list of all 
>talks just shows one of the speakers.
>The short description and list of speakers for the presentation was changed 
>05/04/21 11:32:36 by someone through the web interface.
>This is of course the consequences of doing things in a log-in free 
>environment. While there is support for password protection in the 
>registration server, I wanted to see how things turned out if we kept things 
>very simple and easy to use.

I don't know but talk 1762 was not "CPSMailAcces : a webmail application
in CPS3 using Zope 3 and Five" as of yesterday (2005-05-01) but "WYSIWYG
interface design with CPSSkins and CPSPortlets"

I sent a mail to Tarek, Julien, Stéfane, Florent, Eric and Jean-Paul
about pointing at the text so they could have a look at the talk that I
had submitted. So it could be that Tarek looked at it (he wrote back
"Cool, it works I've just registered a talk too"), then he entered a new
talk submission, but he had the old ID saved in his session. When he
clicked on 'Submit', it replaced the talk that I had entered with his
own talk submission?

here is the mail exchange, you can see that the talk id is the same ...

1 présentation de 60 min.

Zope and Zope related [Europython]

WYSIWYG interface design with CPSSkins and CPSPortlets

jmo at ita.chalmers.se, ja at nuxeo.com


A cool ca marche, je viens donc d'en poster une aussi :




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