[EuroPython] am I track chairing?

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Fri Mar 11 20:21:38 CET 2005


Hm.. I'm trying to figure out two things:

a) whether I'm supposed to be chairing a track

b) where the information about who is chairing a track is for the 2005 
conference. I looked at the site but couldn't find a 2005 option. I also 
read the track chairs were to update their info, but where?

I'm sort of hoping a) isn't happening this year, so I can take a break 
from track chairing and enjoy the conference more (I've spent the 
previous 3 conferences (all of 'm) running around chairing a track, plus 
giving talks). But that means someone else would need to manage the 
Python frameworks track -- will any volunteers step up? Or do these 
volunteers exist already?



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