[EuroPython] Please, somebody confirm my registration! HELP REQUIRED

Salim Fadhley salimfadhley at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 17:56:26 CEST 2005

Hi, apologies to all who are getting very bored of my emails (Yes, I
know this is the third time I have sent this particular message to
this forum. I know that some of you will find this annoying). I have
not yet received any responses to my previous two questions.

What do I need:

- Please somebody confirm my Europython registration has been received
and processed correctly. A simple email would assure my that my
attendance and accommodation is booked and that I need not worry.

- Please tell me how to get an invoice for my conference registration
so that I can claim back my attendance fee from my employer. I was
expecting to receive an invoice in my email shortly after my

- Please let me know if my query is inappropriate for this forum; if
so who/where should I be asking my questions?


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