[EuroPython] Europython 2005 talk interests

Mikel Larreategi mlarreategi at codesyntax.com
Fri Jun 3 08:30:30 CEST 2005

Jacob Hallén wrote:
> Dear Europython speaker,
> we are missing your registration for the conference. We need all people
> to register, so that we can properly make badges, lunch tickets,
> accounts for the wireless network, etc. If you are coming to Europython
> only to speak and not attend any other event, you may register as a
> "Special invitee" at a zero registration fee.
> Registration is reached through http://www.europython.org
> If you by any chance already have registered, please let us know under
> what name, so that we can link up your atendee registration and your
> speaker registration.

Sorry because of the delay, I was waiting for the travel agency 
information regarding my fligth.

I've just completed the registration process and I'm going to fill in 
the second form you told me, the list of the talks I am interested in.

Thank you,

Mikel Larreategi
mlarreategi at codesyntax.com

Azitaingo Industrialdea 3 K
E-20600 Eibar
Tel: (+34) 943 82 17 80

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