[EuroPython] Results from meeting

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Sun Jan 30 19:18:55 CET 2005

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

> Jacob Hallen wrote:
>> Here are the minutes from the meeting Tursday, 20 January 2005.
>> I have simply added the decisions to the list of items previously 
>> published.
>>> 12. Website
>>> The website structure should be ready to be filled with contents. We 
>>> should
>>> arrange a short sprint when we get together a number of people and 
>>> get it
>>> done. Suggestions for a suitable time appreciated.
>> Comments were made on the picture on the first page taking up too 
>> much space.
>> Sprint to be carried out. More on this later.
> Hi,
> ....
> there is a common workspace folder called 'EP group' in which content 
> creators can place documents and share them with on another. Otherwise 
> documents may of course by saved in the user's own folder but other 
> users won't be able to modify them.
> If there is a need for special content types / formatted document 
> layouts (presentation of people, tracks, etc..), please make a list. 
> It doesn't take long to create new types. Otherwise the 'Flexible 
> document' type is well suited for all generic content.

Hi all, I did an animation showing content creation and submission. It 
is pretty straightforward. Once the document has been published, it can 
be moved to the "EP group" to allow others to modify it or it can be 
created directly there.

the 'Interview' document is just an example document type. We should 
have more of them to make it possible later on to list all interviews, 
all tracks, etc later on with a simple search by meta type.

see: http://www.medic.chalmers.se/~jmo/ep2005/content.html


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