[EuroPython] Scheduling call for papers and acceptance of talks

Harald Armin Massa haraldarminmassa at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 11:18:36 CET 2005

Let me second Chris,

>  > This is just to make sure that people don't feel too  comfortable on
>  > what  they already know and try to scrap up the presentations an hour
>  > before the  presentation.
> This doesn't feel too valid to me. I didn't experience this with any of
> the presentations given last year, do other people feel that this was a
> problem?

Just to give some date: I did two presentations on Europython 2004.
"Quixote. Pythonic. Web" and "Selling Pyhtoneers"

"Selling Pyhtoneers" was more than 2 hours; the slides were created on
the two evenings before. At least 30% of "Selling Pythoneers" was
created on the fly in response to the participants.

I remember that physically small and mentally more than great Zope
guy, he did a presentation with well prepared slides which he did not
really use - his presentation was exceptionally joyfull because he
presented with the people and not for the sake of slides.

Jesus did not have Powerpoint(TM) at all, and still people are talking
about his preaching on the mountains.

Mark Shuttleworth had some funny and some impressive slides; the earth
from above and him in cosmonautic gear was great - BUT: I am more than
sure if he did the same presentation without beamer at a fireplace,
the reduction in joy would be no more than .3%

I for myself would rather forbid people to use slides than force them
to deploy them early. We use a language without static typing; why
should we force people to use static presentations?

(shameless plug: I offer consulting for presentation techniques,
better call it "presentation mindset")


GHUM Harald Massa
- holistic presentation methods -.
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart

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