[EuroPython] Re: A few more web details to solve

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Sun Feb 6 13:26:33 CET 2005

Jacob Hallén wrote:


>1. On the venue page, my pictures get scaled to itty-bitty size. How do I get 
>to keep them at original size?
Actually the resizing is done in HTML (not on the actual pictures), so I 
think that I can remove it from the HTML code and the pictures will be 
shown as-is.

>2. I'd like my registration forms, which are not part of the CMS to look 
>similar to the rest of the site. I don't know anything about CSS and stuff. 
>How do I get a CSS that provides the necessary look&feel?

the CSS file for the EP site can be downloaded from 
but the class names must be the same otherwise it won't work. I will 
take a look at the forms and see how to set the correct markup so that 
you'll be able to link to the CSS file directly and get the same page style:

<style type="text/css" media="all">@import url(http://europython-develop.zope.nl/portal_themes/default/renderCSS);</style>

PS: I will soon add a text-only accessible view of the site for users 
that want a  fancy-free fast access to the information. see for ex. 



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