[EuroPython] Did I visit the right website?

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Wed Apr 20 08:52:52 CEST 2005

Steve Alexander wrote:

>I went to http://europython.org/ to see what I should do to propose some
>For a while, I was confused!  I thought that I was on the Strakt
>website, because of the huge "STRAKT" right at the top of the page where
>you'd expect "Europython" to be.
>I realize now that this is a banner advertisement, given to Strakt in
>thanks for being a major sponsor.  I think that it's fine to thank
>sponsors by giving them prominent advertising.  However, it just doesn't
>look like a banner ad.
>The banner is not visually distict from its surroundings.  It is a lot
>larger than the Europython logo, and dwarfs it in terms of its visual
>impact.  There is no discrete "sponsor advertisement" text next to the
>banner.  The banner is on the same line as the conference logo, whereas
>most banner ads are on a line on their own (see slashdot.org).

It also means that the sponsors got your attention. This is good...


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