[EuroPython] Please amend my conference registration

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Mon May 24 05:47:51 EDT 2004

On måndag 24 maj 2004 09.29, Michel Debar wrote:
> Due to unfortunate circumstances - my wife will have to undergo surgery
> very soon - I will not be able to attend Europython this year. I have asked
> a colleague to replace me at the conference :
> Sébastien Verbois
> sebastien.verbois at fundp.ac.be
> all other particulars are the same.
> Could you thus substitute his name for mine. He will have with him a copy
> of the registration confirmation you had sent me.

Dear Michel,

I hope everything goes well with your wifes surgery. We are sorry we won't see 
you this year, but hope you will have the opportunity to come to Europython 
next year.

I have changed your registration to go to Sébastien, as requested.

Jacob Hallén
Europython head organiser

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