[EuroPython] Problems with the Virutal hosting setup of the site + changes

Ivo van der Wijk ivo at amaze.nl
Tue Mar 30 05:43:19 EST 2004

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
> Hello,
> 1) I have some issues with how the virtual hosting setup of the site - I 
> do not understand it :-)

 From a hosting perspective, requests for (www.)europython.org are mapped 
directly to the root of the Zope instance. The VHM there takes care of rewriting 
requests to the correct folders.

I know nothing about images configuations.



Drs. I.R. van der Wijk                                      -=-
Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 12                     Amaze Internet Services V.O.F.
1017 RC Amsterdam, NL                                       -=-
T +31-20-4688336         F +31-20-4688337       Zope/Plone/Content Management
W http://www.amaze.nl    E info at amaze.nl           Open Source Solutions
W http://vanderwijk.info E ivo at amaze.nl                 Consultancy
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