[EuroPython] Web site wonderings

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Mon Mar 1 16:19:15 EST 2004

Now that the website starts to fill with information, I have some questions 
about how this Plone thingie works:

1. I find the "About" and "Log in" boxes to be stuff that visitors to the site 
wouldn't wnat to see. Will they be gone from the production site?

2. Is the "Navigation" box the way people are supposed to navigate the site?

3. What defines what stuff gets added to the tabs along the top? Having both 
the Navigation box and the tabs at the top seems to be redundant.

4. Somebody said that people will have to make an account to register papers 
and register for the conference. I hope this is not true. If you can't 
register by just filling in a simple form that is at the end of a link saying 
"Register here", we have failed badly.

5. I think we are using the event calendar in a bad way. We should mark days 
when specific things happen, instead of marking off periods. Right now, we 
have the event " EarlyBird Registration Ends!" set up for 1 April - 1 May. 
This event should only cover 1 May.

6. Are visitors expected to understand that they need to open the "A-Z EPC 
2004" box in the Navigation box in order to find the contents of the site?


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