[EuroPython] while it's fresh

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Sun Jun 13 08:51:42 EDT 2004

Laura Creighton wrote:
> In a message of Sun, 13 Jun 2004 11:18:45 +0200, Martijn Faassen writes:

>>  * lunch break was too short/crowded. Especially on day 1 when nobody 
>>knew what to do yet, there was an enormous queue. On later days we 
>>avoided this mostly by leaving for lunch early or later, but we didn't 
>>know this in advance. As a track chair I had trouble making it in time 
>>on day 1 as I just came out of a talk and had to go into the talk after 
>>lunch directly after. People were trickling back 10 minutes after the 
>>talks had officially already started. I appreciated lunch being so 
>>nearby, but we need to figure out a better way to manage these for next 
>>year. Perhaps a simple warning would've done the trick.
> Maybe.  Expecting 2 or 3 walk-ins, as happened in Charleroi, and getting
> 25 or so on Monday also stressed the system.

Well, next time perhaps people can be informed of this possible 
crowding. A brief track chair meeting on monday before the start 
could've helped clear up quite a few points.

>>  * we didn't really mind standing up, but some rooms didn't have 
>>enough chairs available to host a panel discussion.

> There were chairs you could have used all over the closed restaurant downstairs.
> Maybe we need to do something so that track chairs and others know that they
> are encouraged to make such alterations?

At the morning of day 1 I had no idea that there was a closed restaurant 
available to get chairs from, let alone that I was encouraged to make 
alterations. :)



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