[EuroPython] EPC 2005 and 2006

Heimo Laukkanen huima at iki.fi
Wed Jun 9 17:21:11 EDT 2004

> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 14:56:40 +0200
> From: Laura Creighton <lac at strakt.com>
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] EPC 2005 and 2006To: Dario_Lopez-Kästen  
> <dario at ita.chalmers.se>
> I think that, for the future, it would be a good idea if people who
> want to host a future EuroPython made their intention known
> before the current EuroPython.  First of all, people might not
> have been as enthusiastic about Göteborg if thye knew they
> had Geneva as an alternative.  Second of all, EuroPython is

One downside naturally to Geneva is the fact that it will be expensive for  
participants, unless there will be a campus accomodation or such. In any  
case I was extremely positively suprised about how well everything went at  
Chalmers and how much better the conference venue was compared to  
Charleroi even in simple things as acoustics.

For organizers I believe it is a good thing to allow them to do it again -  
and then switch. Atleast for me - if I would be a head organizer and host  
EP at Helsinki, I would definitely want to have the opportunity to improve  
everything after the first try.

If we keep the maximum of consecutive conferences in one location in two,  
everyone should be happy. Howvere as a fun thing we could during next EP  
have an official election/vote for next location of EP. It would be like  
in the olympic spirit that commitees from each willing team would pitch  
their town and participants to EP could give their vote on the subject.

For the pitch it would be nice if we figure out certain specifications  
that every candidate has to produce: arrangements for accomodation,  
approximated traveling costs for average participant, how much much people  
have to spend on public transportation, food etc. Size of the venue,  
description of the conference rooms, catering, what else the city has to  
offer for participants etc. All these issues are major contributors on how  
succesfull the conference will be, though for a single participant the  
total costs might be the single most important issue in choosing the  
location - if we exclude the program.

... oh. And thanks to every single person who managed things on location  
at Göteborg. It was truly a pleasure to see that mostly everything worked  
without any glitches, accomodation was excellent and what is most  
important -- participants liked it! You guys did an excellent job and I  
will be extremely happy to come again to Göteborg!


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