[EuroPython] Webwerkerslog updated

Anna Ravenscroft rev_anna_r at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 21 09:13:15 EST 2004

--- Beatrice Fontaine <bea at webwitches.com> wrote:
> http://z3u.com/ep2004/WebWerkersLog
> has been changed after yesterday's meeting.

Sorry I missed the meeting. I was stranded in Frankfurt Hahn by the

> The deadline for comments on the existing site is this upcoming
> Sunday,
> January 25th.
> http://z3u.com/ep2004/WebsiteFeedback
> The next meeting of the Webwerkers needs to happen right after that,
> but
> not on Tuesday evenings because we want Tom.
> This currently counts for dario, joachim, bea, anna, and tom. How are
> you all set for next week Monday/Thursday/Friday evening?

I could possibly be available on Monday... I'm flying on Tuesday and
wouldn't give good odds on being available until Thursday... 

If folks can all meet a different day, then go for it!


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