[EuroPython] Got this in my mail today.

Etienne Posthumus etienne at cs.vu.nl
Sun Jan 18 03:12:21 EST 2004

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Denis wrote:

> Le Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 10:08:54AM +0100, Laura Creighton pianota:
> >
> > I'd be happy to see Africans at EuroPython.
> Don't put too much expectation there in. You will receive a bunch of
> mails like this one, but generally, those registrations are *very*
> unsure. The same from Nigeria, Rwanda or China, Tibet, etc.
> They just try to get a visa to leave their country.

Sheesh, that is a bit of a blanket statement. There has been at least one
African (me) at two of the past Eurpythons (2003 & 2003) and he a had
really good time, learnt lots and made a lof of new contacts.

Please don't paint with too large a brush.

Etienne Posthumus
Programmer, IIDS - Intelligent Interactive Distributed Systems
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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