Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004

Anna Ravenscroft rev_anna_r at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 3 08:11:56 EST 2004

This, unfortunately, went only to Joachim, because the list's
"reply-to" is set up incorrectly, apparently, to reply to the
individual sender instead of to the list. If someone knows how to fix
that, I would be eternally grateful. Why it's not the default, I don't

[Hitting "reply all" on Yahoo is, for some reason, not always as easy
as it should be.]

Thanks for your patience,


--- Anna Ravenscroft <rev_anna_r at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 05:05:13 -0800 (PST)
> From: Anna Ravenscroft <rev_anna_r at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
> talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004 
> To: Joachim Schmitz <js at aixtraware.de>
> Hi folks,
> sorry to miss the IRC meeting(s) last week. It was a pretty hectic
> week. 
> --- Joachim Schmitz <js at aixtraware.de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I will build the new system with ArcheTypes, at the moment I think
> of
> > 
> > these basic types
> > 
> > - poeple: contains data for poeple doing something at or for the 
> > conference, can be individuals or organisations.
> > 
> > - talks: the talk and tracks
> > 
> > - registrations: the registration (conference and lodging)
> > 
> > So to register or to submit a talk one first has to register and is
> > then 
> > logged in. This way one has to enter the individual data only once.
> I'm a little confused by what you mean by "register". 
> Do you mean, in order to submit a talk, the potential speaker would
> first have to *register* for the conference (implying they would have
> to pay money!) and later find out whether or not they'll be a
> speaker?
> If so, I have concerns about this process:
> *I don't really feel that folks should be required to register in
> advance for the conference (implying coming up with the full
> registration *PAYMENT*) in order to submit a talk and potentially be
> a
> speaker. 
> *I'd hate to have to deal with the issue of refunding money already
> paid for folks who are accepted as speakers.
> IMHO, submitting a talk should be as easy as possible for the
> potential
> speakers. Yes - the data for speaker information (Name, address,
> contact info and such) should be linked to the attendee data, but it
> should be "behind the scenes" so that the speaker can simply submit
> their talk and wait to see if they're accepted. Once confirmed, then
> they can complete registration as a speaker at the reduced rate. 
> If registering for the conference and paying the registration fee
> isn't
> what you mean, can you clarify what you do mean by "register"? I may
> very likely be misunderstanding something...
> Anna

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