[EuroPython] IRC meeting log 2004-12-20

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Thu Dec 30 21:37:49 CET 2004

Chris Withers wrote:

> Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
>> => http://europython-develop.zope.nl/
> This actually looks really good, especially the dropdowns (in Moz 1.7 
> anyway ;-)
> However, why are we wasting so much fo the front page with that big, 
> pointless picture?
> People want to read the stuff in the 3 columns below that, why make 
> them scroll down to do so?!
> cheers,
> Chris - a picture paints a thousand words except when it just wastes a 
> thousand pixels...
Yes indeed, the picture may well be replaced with text or news articles 
with vignettes ... to make the whole thing more dynamic - there should 
be something graphical at least to make the front page attractive. I'd 
like to get a newspaper-like front page layout with title + image + 
intro text + link in small blocks...

Cheers /JM

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