[EuroPython] IRC meeting log 2004-12-20

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Tue Dec 28 15:47:29 CET 2004

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

> ... is available at starting from 17:20:
> http://www.medic.chalmers.se/~jmo/ep2005/europython-irc-2004-12-20.html
> - the main changes to the layout are that the navigation bar will be 
> replaced by a drop-down menu as in:
> http://www.stunicholls.myby.co.uk/menus/dropdown.html for easier site 
> access.
> - the site structure with the actual section names (level1 level2) 
> which will appear in the menus is being finalized.
> /JM

The dropdown menus are implemented (it works apparently well with IE6 / 
Mozilla / Firefox / Konqueror / Opera ) with another CSS method than the 
one cited above which does not use tables  
(cf.http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dropdowns/ )

The top-level items 'EVENTS' and 'SPRINTS' have sub-items which can be 
clicked on.
=> http://europython-develop.zope.nl/

PS: This is not the actual navigation structure.


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