[EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario at ita.chalmers.se
Fri Apr 30 02:46:47 EDT 2004

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I need to make travel arrangements. A number of people have expressed 
> interest
> in sprinting through the 12th.  I propose then to sprint the 10th 
> through the 12th.
> That's three days after the conference.  Is that OK? Will there be 
> facilities?


I am now trying to arrange to borrow an entire floor (the one upstairs 
to my office) for sprints. This is not exactly at the conference place, 
but within a 5 minute stroll (sp?) from the conference area.

If it works it means that we can borrow this for about 2 weeks, one week 
before the conference and one week after, which means that we can use 
them on the weekend after the conference as well.

We (the EPC) will need to spend some money to pay for rent of chairs and 
tables (the offices are completely empty), and possible some network 
equipment, but I think this would be an acceptable cost.

If this works, then this would be the aboslute best option in my 
opiniuon - we have room for all sprints at once, and there will be extra 
rooms avialable for spontaneous sprinting bothe before and after the 
conference (even before and after each conference day ;-).

If this should fail, then  I have a plan B, which is to rent 3 small 
rooms close to the conference site. However, I cannot guarantee that we 
may borrow these over a weekend nor the week before the conference (I am 
mainly thinking of the PyPy sprint here.

None of this is yet set in stone, so I can't make you any promises - I 
am working on securing everything. The 3 rooms near the conference are 
the most stable option at the moment.

Will get back with more info ASAP. Today is however a semi-holuday in 
sweden so many people are either taking the day off or will only work 
until noon, so I can't get back with a reply any sooner than monday, 
with any luck.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

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