Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)

Martijn Faassen faassen at
Mon Apr 26 18:01:20 EDT 2004

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> * we seem to have enough space (if we do 4 tracks in parallel) to 
>> accomodate the talks we have, early calculations show. But we'll do a 
>> lot of tuning still.
> There are only 3 large rooms booked,so we might need to (read: will have 
> to) revise this. While I *think* (not sure) that there are other rooms, 
> there will be trouble with internet access in thos rooms.

Jacob was rather definite to me that we could expand to a 4th room if 
necessary, though I don't know much about the size. We'll see how many 
tracks we end up putting it in.

Advice to track chairs though: try to keep the talks shorter rather than 
longer. This is also good for keeping people's attention better; 60 
minutes of a talk is a *long* time indeed. In previous years the maximum 
length of most talks (excepting tutorials I think) was 45 minutes.

Lack of internet access in that room is not a disaster for most talks.

> Also, I need to know more details about planned sprints... howmany 
> poeple etc... I still haven't found adequate rooms with netaccess for 
> them. I have made som preliminary contacts in buildings nearby for so 
> far nothing is settled.
> So far I know of a PyPy srpint that "will start on June 02" and 
> Martinj's sprint after the conference for 1.5 days.

Yup, my mini-sprint; Guido Wesdorp (also at Infrae) will also be there 
(though may not hack on the same stuff). Though I think the PyPy people 
will also follow on after the conference. Laura also earlier indicated 
she might want to do an impromptu sprint with people she met there.

> Need more info.

For more info on PyPy please consult the PyPy people -- they *should* be 
able to tell you more by now. :)



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