[EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Mon Apr 26 13:59:25 EDT 2004

Hi there,

* the early bird submission will close tomorrow morning. Bea will take 
care of closing it.

* we now have a public overview page, thanks to Michael:


Bea is putting links to this on the site in appropriate places. The next 
mailing will also contain this link.

* If you're logged in and if you're a track chair, this is handy:


* we seem to have enough space (if we do 4 tracks in parallel) to 
accomodate the talks we have, early calculations show. But we'll do a 
lot of tuning still.

* We really need to start interviews. Interviews can be placed here:


Interviews page needs to be made prominent on website.



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