[EuroPython] Swedish places we might make EuroPython ads

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Thu Apr 22 11:20:09 EDT 2004

forwarded here from another much higher volume list, so I don't
lose it, and so if I share the work it will be accessible to all
who want to help.  Some of these places are regular morning papers,
so not suitable for us, I think.  This is the software patent
press release list, for when we want to make statments about
that, but still of use for EuroPython.


------- Forwarded Message

From: Anders =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lindb=E4ck?= <vetgirig at se.linux.org>
To: Christian =?iso-8859-1?Q?Engstr=F6m?= <christian.engstrom at glindra.org>
Cc: se-parl at ffii.org
Subject: Re: Pressrelease

Christian Engström yttrade Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 04:05:01AM +0200:


Här är en lista på bra adresser att skicka pressreleasen till:

> Adresslistor:
> Morgontidningsredaktioner:
> "Dagens Industri" <red at di.se>,
> "Ekonomiredaktionen, DN" <ekonomi at dn.se>,
> "Ekonomiredaktionen, GP" <ekonomired at gp.se>,
> "Expressen" <redaktionen at expressen.se>,
> "Näringslivsredaktionen, SvD" <naringsliv at svd.se>,
> "Red. Jan Lindroth, Affärsvärlden" <jan.lindroth at affarsvarlden.se>,
> "Redaktionschef Håkan Ogelid, Computer Sweden" <hakan.ogelid at idg.se>, 
> "Redaktionschef Niklas Silow, Aftonbladet" <niklas.silow at aftonbladet.se>
> Övriga:
> "Expressen.se" <expressen at expressen.se>,
> "Gnuheter" <info at gnuheter.com>,
> "Internet World" <iw at iwred.idg.se>,
> "IT-branschen" <itbranschen at idg.se>,
> "Linux.se" <info at linux.se>,
> "Ny Teknik" <redaktion at nyteknik.se>,
> "Nyhetsred. Lisa Strömberg, idg.se" <lisa.stromberg at idg.se>,
> "Nätverk och Kommunikation" <nok at idg.se>,
> "PC Hemma" <pchemma at pchemma.se>,
> "Red. Lotta Holmström, aftonbladet.se" <lotta.holmstrom at aftonbladet.se>,
> "Red. Mats Andersson, Nya Medier, uppsnappat.se" <mats at nyamedier.se>,
> "Red. Thomas Forsberg" <thomas at datormagazin.se>,
> "Redaktionschef Anders Danielsson, Mikrodatorn" <anders.danielsson at idg.se>,
> "Redaktionschef Lina Otterdahl, PC för Alla" <lina.otterdahl at idg.se>,
> "Säkerhet och Sekretess" <sakerhet at idg.se>,
> "Unix.se" <crew at unix.se>

Anders Lindbäck
Se-parl maillist
Subscribe through the project system http://www.ffii.org/assoc/knecht/proj/, fine-tune via http://lists.ffii.org/mailman/listinfo/se-parl

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