[EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire

Niels Mache, struktur AG mache at struktur.de
Thu Apr 22 07:28:05 EDT 2004

Dear Jacob,

 > 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
 > Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.
 > 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
 > to pay for such a tutorial?
- Workflow / Zope / Plone
- Python Performance Tuning

 > 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
 > Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June

 > 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?
No (unfortunately)

 > 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

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