[EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Mon Apr 12 11:40:39 EDT 2004

John Pinner <john at clocksoft.com> writes:

> Hello All,
> I have been using the website 'in anger' (no, I'm not _really_ cross).
> It all looks very good. I'll have to find out about this Plone stuff one
> day.

Me too :-)

> I have some comments:
> 1. Registration.
> I am logged in as me, john, then I register. At the end of registration
> I am given a new login id, john1. Why do I need a new id ?

Because, it seems, I messed up.  You're not *supposed* to get a new
login if you register when logged in.  I did test this, but it seems
to have happened to you and Harald, so I must have missed something
(or maybe there's some subtle way of un-logging in).

If someone who knows what they're doing wants to look at the code
(please do!), it's in People.py in the ... worldpay_callback method.

> 2. Talk Submission.
> There is no provision to enter a speaker's name. I was entering details
> of talks for other people, and would have liked to be able to enter
> their names.

I believe there is.. isn't there a 'author' choice in the list of
fieldsets at the top of the entry form?

> What is the purpose of the 'long description' ? M-AL has used it to
> enter his bio. There is apparently no other means to enter a bio.

Pass.  This area is full of plans that never got implemented, AFAICT.

> 3. Viewing Talks.
> How am I _supposed_ to look at talks ? Here is what I have actually been
> doing:
> I go to submit a talk. Then without filling in the form I select 'Switch
> to contents view'. Then I get a view of all the track's talks listed,
> with an empty talk, say 'john04' (the one I started raising). It looks
> like a number of other people have been doing this as well.

One of the 'features' it seems of Plone (or our misunderstanding of
it) is that an object is created, then has it details filled in.  So
if someone clicks on'sumbit a talk for this track' and then wnaders
off or closes the browser window, you get a pretty featureless talk.

> If I get a contents view of the tracks (not the talks) I get options to
> cut, rename, delete whole tracks. I have not tested if they work!


If you're a manager you should see a list of 'new' talks in the track

> If I select 'Contents view' while submitting a talk in the Python
> Language track, I am given the same options (Cut, Rename, Delete etc)
> which I can apply to any of the talks, although I should not be
> authorised to do this.

What authorisations do you have?

> If I do the same thing in my own track, the Business Track, I don't get
> these options. I'd like them, but I guess I'm not authorised to do this
> yet. So why can I play with mwh's talks?

Well, I don't know... Zope's securitly model can be used to acheive
anything it seems, including confusing me a great deal.


  A witty saying proves nothing.                           -- Voltaire

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