[EuroPython] More progress on registration

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Tue Apr 6 21:32:08 EDT 2004

1. Registration, with emails and all seems to work pretty well.
Martijn is of course right, that we should remove the possibility of 
backtracking once you have been in the payment procedure.

2. I have made a test on how to add text to each of the registration forms.

You (can) do it for all the 3 forms in one single file:


You put a conditional in, saying which form the text should be on.

I'm out of time before my flight to California, so I'd be grateful if people 
filled in all the necessary information, so that our bookers won't be lost.

3. Things are really painfully slow now. We need to consult the best 
Zope/Plone/Archetype people to get our problems fixed. We are beyond what 
even the most patient people will stand. If the slowness is connected to the 
Navigation box, just make it go away. It isn't really needed.


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