[EuroPython] problems with joining the europython.org website

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Apr 6 04:58:16 EDT 2004

Cristian Lucchesi <cristian.lucchesi at iit.cnr.it> writes:

> Hi, 
> we'd like to submit a paper for the EuroPython Conference, but we had
> problems in joining the site through the join_form interface.
> The request was sent but the joining don't occur and we received an
> Apache error page after several minutes.

Hmm.  We've been having some performance problems with the site that
we don't really understand, but I just managed to join the site.  Try

> Could you please tell us how can we submit our paper?

If all else fails, try emailing the chair(s) of the track you want to
submit a talk to...


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