[EuroPython] Social Skill Track / Project Management Talks

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Tue Oct 7 09:02:26 EDT 2003

In a message of Tue, 07 Oct 2003 14:35:57 +0200, Martijn Faassen writes:
>Andrew Smart wrote:
>> I would like to know if there is any interest on a follow
>> up to my last talk on the EPC on teams and social skills
>> and comparable stuff.
>Is this the same as the track proposal? If so, I still would like
>to know how this differentiates itself from the business track.

Right now we don't have a business track, since Marc Andre Lemburg and
Tim Cooper do not appear to want it, but when it gets reconstituted,
I expect it to be about Business development, business practices,
and the like.

Andrew and Bea are talking about something different -- how to run
a project, get the forms done -- lots of stuff the PyPy project
had to learn the hard way when we sedt out to get EU funding.  its
useful in business, yes, but its useful for running any distributed
open source project -- its more widely applicable.  I would think
talks on Test Driven Development might belong in with it, for a
more nerdy sounding thing ...

make sense?


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