[EuroPython] Talks

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 13:56:12 +0100

On Thursday, Mar 20, 2003, at 21:09 Europe/Paris, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> Is this just my impression or is there really so little interest
> in giving talks at EPC 2003 ?

We need more people working to spread the word.  I think Michael has 
done most of the work on this, probably 5x more than all the rest of us 
put together.

> FWIW, I've added an entry to the database at
> 	http://www.europython.org/Talks/listForm?year=2003
> to test the interface. I found that the "new" button on that
> interface page doesn't work. The CallFor interface does work,
> though.
> BTW, has anything been decided on the schedule yet ? The form
> also mentions a day 0 which doesn't seem to fit the time
> frame of three days mentioned on the frontpage.

When I sent an email to the track chairs about this topic, the response 
was, "Don't talk about it until after the CFP goes out."

The CFP is now out, so now is a good time to talk about it.
