[EuroPython] Structure prototypes

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Thu, 17 Jul 2003 00:30:56 +0200

Andrew Smart wrote:
> But I have to be convinced that "the community" is willing and able
> to organize themself in a way which makes the next EPC possible.
> The last both events has been "on the shoulders" of some few peoples,
> who made a terrific job and two beatiful conferences. If we talk about
> "community" then my impression is that the weight is going to be
> put on more shoulders, at least considering the risks.

The group of active organizers for this year (and the number probably was
a bit bigger last year, but not much bigger) involved around 15-20 people,
I think.

We've had 9 track chairs, some of whom were also active in other
organization. We had 5 (not sure here?) people active locally,
including Denis. Then there are people like Tom and Joachim Schmitz.
I'm probably forgetting others now in a shameful fashion!

> I fear the passing the organisational structure in the hand of an
> anonymus group of people will cause the effect that many people don't
> feal responsible for the success.

This was of course an important problem we had this year and last

> And having a organisational structure
> the last organisers will - with any right - give away the responsibility
> to said organisation.

I'm not sure I parse this line. Hopefully the current organizers will
continue on helping out with the new organization. Or actually *being*
the organization is likely more correct. :)

> What happens then? Who is going to take the lead? Of what?

That's a good question. I think this can at least in part be answered
by a kind of membership system, assuming the members will be smart
enough to vote in the right people. :)

