[EuroPython] EPC as an EuroPython Association SIG

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario@ita.chalmers.se
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:36:17 +0200

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com>
> > The discussion started off with the way it was decided where the next
> > conference was to be held - that decision was made in the ad hoc
> > spirit of the way the EPC was organised.
> In a matter of fact I'm glad this decision was made... Otherwise we would
> have ended up just like last year.
> I'm almost sure that if there wasn't a message, nobody would have opened
> their mouth before december.

yeah,  probably :)

> > The only thing required to form an EPA based on the above, is to
> > announce a meeting, hold the meeting and elect a board, form the sig,
> > and presto.
> Now this is were I'm a little bit afraid of. Making an EPA very quickly.
> This will only result (imho) to problems later on.
> I would urge people not to quickly in setting such things up.

ok, but I would like to know what we are waiting for... is there an
insecurity of what we want such an organisation to do? What problems do you
foresee might occur if we went along with forming hte organisation now? If
we look at my proposition for bylaws, are they unclear wrt the purpose of
such an organsiation?

If there are doubts, I suggest that we need to discuss them, now.

> The only
> urgent thing at the moment is: 'Who will handle the conference this year
> where will it be done?'.
>For this, there isn't an EPA needed (the last to
> EPC's could also do without it). Correct, the EPA is needed, but it
> mind when it is formed during the year, it doesn't have to be finished for
> EPC2004.

yeah, the last 2 EPC managed with out a formal EPA, but they alse lead to
the current discussion. Also, the lack

Also, an EPA behind the EPC gives EPC more credibility.

> Remember the decision of EPC2004 needs to be given soon.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.