[EuroPython] EuroPython decision process

Denis Frère denis@aragne.com
Mon, 7 Jul 2003 14:44:40 +0200

Hi all,

I've followed the good advice : close my mailbox for the week-end and
come back with calm and serenity after the week-end.

First of all, I would like to apologize for not having discussed the
point with Martijn before announcing EPC 2004. Indeed, we discussed a
lot during the conference, Tim even came with this quite publicly, but
as a matter of fact, I didn't ask Martijn's advice.
And after the conference, while being still 'warm', encouraged by some
(biased) advices, I couldn't refrain my juvenile enthousiasm. :-)
Sorry Martijn.

Second, I think that everybody will agree now that this fuss comes
from one main reason : we don't have defined the way of how decisions
are taken. That was the enlightened conclusion of some of you (Martijn,
Jacob, Andy, ...) 

As Tom told you, I've been looking for a way of formalizing
'the EuroPython Team', because I do believe that we cannot take any
decision informally after exchanging a few mails on this list, and also
because we shouldn't let the whole responsability of such a conference
on one single head. Legally, we could set up a quick association, taking
any example bylaws. But it won't help much if we don't define our
policies in the bylaws. I also wanted the best for EuroPython and hence,
I've taken advice from a well known layer in our belgian free software
community. He proposes an International Non Profit Association : that's
something rather recent here and should be fit for our case.
Unfortunately, it will take some time, no so much because of the
administrative delay, but because we will have to clearly define what we
want to achieve with the association, and how we will manage this.
Of course, I wouldn't set up that association without your consentment
and participation, Martijn.

I'm not eager at formalism (you may have noticed), I also think that
imagination comes out from some sort of chaos : formalizing things
could freeze some bright ideas and sometimes refrain our enthousiasm.
But I see no way out without a superior shared authority.

For the rest, I won't write again all the same stuff. Andy's mail
expresses well what I would write. (Don't focus on the two possible
meetings, that's another story).

Here is a copy of the parts I fully support :

<quoting Andy Robinson>

> Nobody set out the decision making process for where to hold next year's
> because, as we all know, nobody is in charge of the EuroPython
> "organisation".   There was plenty of dscussion on locations in the
> corridors and at least one attempt at a public decision, which is as good
> as it can get in this situation.  So let's put all the blame on "nobody"
> and concentrate on refining our procedure for next time.
> The most helpful thing in promoting an event is a clear decision on dates
> and location.    The best way to achieve this is to do it at each
> conference.  So I suggest that in future, anyone wanting to "bid" starts
> doing so on the list about 15 months before, and all candidates present
> their case in a session before the keynote.  Then we have a show of hands.
>  Others could vote by proxy on the list with a deadline of lunchtime that
> day so there is time to count.  Whoever winds has a whole year to plan and
> their advance publicity is already done.
> A common topic in the corridors was 'where is next year'.  Tim asked for a
> public show of hands (I think, I missed it).  Francis made a very strong
> and reasoned case for keeping it where it is. Lots of people enjoy it in
> Belgium and there is a precedent for having European institutions there.
> [...]
> Going forward, I believe that contenders should launch their bids about 13
> months out (plenty of time to discuss on the lists and get facts and
> pictures on a web site), make a presentation for their own location before
> the keynote, and decide it with a clear show of hands.
> The only alternative I see is to try and appoint some NEUTRAL committee
> who have no plans to host an event (I'll happily be on that) and let
> contenders fly us out, wine us and dine us and bribe us like the Olympic
> Committee.....

</quoting Andy Robinson>



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