[EuroPython] EP 2004 decision rather quickly?

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Fri, 04 Jul 2003 16:07:17 +0200

At 14:59 2003-07-04 +0200, Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
>Yes, and despite my previous message I am still interested in helping to
>organise it here, if it is in the same non-profit spirit as it has been
>conducted up to now.

Great, I hope that Dario and the others in Göteborg can present
a more concrete proposal about it fairly soon so that we know
what a conference there would be like.

I assume a conference in Charleroi next year would basically
be like this year. I'd be curious to hear what the Aragne
people think they could improve though.

It seems only one verbose person ;) objects to that non-profit
spirit, and he's already stated that it would be all to expensive
to arrange the conference on his turf, so I don't think that is
a problem.

>However, the them of this discussion (or flemawar as someone put it) seems
>not to be the venue of the conference, but rather how decisions are made.
>For this reason I really really think that the issue of what kind of
>orgnasisation EuroPython is, is an important one to answer.

Today there is no formal Europython entity as far as I
understand. This was something Denis described as a problem
when we talked in Charleroi.

>When this happens, we will not have more opportunuties to discuss how
>decisions are made, because it will be perfectly clear and in the open how
>decisions are made, by whom and with what authority.

I had a thought that it might be practical to make EuroPython
into a SIG under the Python Business Foundation. That requires
that the board of the PBF will agree to do that of cource. If
it means that PBF take a financial risk, there might also be a
need for an extra general assembly to get the support of the
PBF members.

The problem with this suggestion is that a few in the Göteborg
team happen to be in the PBF board, e.g. the Chairman, Jacob
Hallén. If there is a feeling of a dispute between proponents
of Göteborg and Charleroi, this might be concidered a problem.

Personally I feel that both Jacob and Laura have enough
integrity, and above all, a passion for the Python community
and the growth of Python in Europe, that they will do what
is best, even if it's not always what they'd personally desire.
One could also imagine that deciding on location is left to the
SIG, and that the board stays out of that--but in the end, it's
that board that is responsible for finance etc before the members,
so they can't wash their hands if the SIG causes a financial

A definite disadvantage with putting EPC under PBF is that I,
as auditor of the PBF, will have much more work with next
years auditing if all bills for Europython will be included. :(

Hm... Maybe it was a bad suggestion from the beginning... ;)

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language