[EuroPython] EP 2004 decision rather quickly?

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Fri, 4 Jul 2003 00:54:54 +0200

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Actually, Tim Couper did a poll at the conference (just before Guido's
> keynote) and the majority welcomed to have EPC 2004 in Charleroi again.

Well, I couldn't count the 'votes', perhaps Tim could. I didn't recall
the majority being against London or Goteburg either. This was an extremely
informal poll, and this kind of thing tends to be biased towards the locals who can more easily attend anyway.

If the decision was made based on this poll, I missed any documentation
of such a thing. I cannot find much information on what led to this
decision at all, in fact.

> I think that a very wise decision and would like to thank Tom and
> Denis for stepping up again; this time hopefully budgeting for their
> time expenses as well :-)

A very wise decision to pull off a stunt like this? You must have a
severely different concept of wisdom than I do. But I guess I should
remind you of it when someone announces something in your name to the
world without your input. ("We decided to hold EPC2004 again in
Charleroi"; I didn't decide any such thing, and I still wonder who
exactly did besides Denis and Tom).

I'm offended by the way you just seem to wave away my complaints, as if
nothing rather odd has taken place. You could at least acknowledge a serious
breakdown of communication!

The most unfortunate thing of all is that my objectionS makes me seem ungrateful
as to the organizing efforts last year and this year...

