[EuroPython] Thanks / slides / image rights

Duncan Grisby duncan@grisby.org
Tue, 01 Jul 2003 13:00:10 +0100

On Tuesday 1 July, Dinu Gherman wrote:

> BTW, I'm writing a conference report and they want a nice picture
> to print. As I've made only four myself, I dare ask if anybody
> would just give me permission to use any of his/hers (to be con-
> firmed via private email - I promise a copy of the German paper
> issue in exchange and your name being mentioned), or if the or-
> ganizers would like to put some candidate pictures in some visible
> corner of the site explaining something like "these can be used
> for free for articles etc."?

If anyone wants to use any of the photos I took, they're welcome to do
so, as long as I am credited. If you need a higher resolution version,
just ask and I'll send it to you.

Dinu, I tried to email you directly, but your mail server bounced it,
claiming I'm blacklisted. I don't know why.



 -- Duncan Grisby         --
  -- duncan@grisby.org     --
   -- http://www.grisby.org --