[EuroPython] Europython Conference

Nicolas Pettiaux nicolas.pettiaux@ael.be
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 19:17:21 +0100

Le Dimanche 12 Janvier 2003 18:42, lozinski@jobmart.com a =E9crit :
> I really like holding them as part of linux conferences.  It makes it e=
> to grow the community.

There is the Zope Pavilion during the Solutions Linux but it has also bee=
decided to focus on Python and Zope during these specific conferences

> If we hold a separate conference, it will mostly be existing python peo=
> rather than new python people.

True, but we also need to focus people on some subjects, activities that =
sometimes incompatile to actions that can take place at the larger (in=20

Having both makes sense to me.

My 2 cents :-)

Best regards,


> Regards
> Christopher Lozinski
> lozinski@jobmart.com
> 510 795 6086 (office)
> 510 599 6086 (cell)
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Nicolas Pettiaux
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you.=20
Then they fight you. Then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi

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