[EuroPython] EuroPython Merchandise

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 17:09:09 +0100

Laura Creighton wrote:
> In a message of Fri, 28 Feb 2003 12:53:56 +0100, "M.-A. Lemburg" writes:
>>PyCon is using CafePress for T-Shirts and other merchandise.
>>Perhaps we should go for this as well ?!
>>	<http://www.cafeshops.com/pycon>
>>It would take one item off the TODO list :-)
>>Marc-Andre Lemburg
> I think this is a good idea.  It makes the job on-site a lot easier,
> plus people have a better chance of getting a tshirt that fits.  Cafe
> Press also sells other things than tshirts, a plus.
> The PSF has reserved a permanent slot on CafePress. It is now called
> pycon, as mentioned. But efforts are proceeding to get the name
> python (first choice) because the plan is to make the site permanent,
> though to vary the offerings.  But somebody else already has the
> name python, and needs to be convinced to release it to the PSF.
> As a practical matter, this means that if we decide to go this route,
> we can just add our stuff to the site, and won't have to pay for a
> site of our own.  Of course, we _can_ make our own site if we want.
> It costs hardly anything, as I recall.

It doesn't cost a dime... just needs someone to do the setup
which takes perhaps 10 minutes and, of course, some graphics
to put on the t-shirts, cups, tote bags, etc.

I think it's better to setup a site of our own and then have
a few dollars go to the EPC organizers.

> But THERE IS A DOWNSIDE.  Here is the shipping policy
> http://www.cafeshops.com/cp/help/shipping.aspx
> As far as I can tell, the only way we can get our stuff is shipped
> DHL and that _takes up to Four Weeks!_
> Will that matter? 

Depends on the timing :-)

> Does anybody know any place in Europe we could
> use instead?

I'd be interested in this too,
Marc-Andre Lemburg

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EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium:                       116 days left