[EuroPython] Voting proposals

Magnus Lyckå magnus at thinkware.se
Tue Aug 19 00:41:11 EDT 2003

At 15:42 2003-08-18 +0200, Dinu Gherman wrote:
>OTOH, it makes me wonder what kind of boost Python would get if
>the Rolling Stones would give the "keynote presentation" instead
>of Guido?? ;-)

Shouldn't that rather be John Cleese or Michael Palin? :)

You are right that there are also disadvantages with a
flashy location, but I think the main reason to choose
smaller places is to keep prices down, and the Göteborg
crew seems to handle that issue. (Göteborg isn't Paris
after all.)

If people go sightseeing *instead* of staying at the
conference, it's all their loss, but there is not reason
who it shouldn't be possible to combine the things. Please
stay until Sunday!

I liked Charleroi, and it was my first visit to Belgium,
but it's not a place I'm particularly interested in
visiting more times unless there is something special
that brings me there.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus at thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

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