[EuroPython] Re: EuroPython digest, Vol 1 #355 - 9 msgs

Heimo Laukkanen huima@huima.net
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 17:16:06 +0100

> Now, I'm a little bit sceptic however on the fact if there is enough
> interest for a second EuroPython conference. Not many people have shown
> their interest in giving a talk. If it stays like this, their won't be a
> conference (my opinion). I would like to hear from the track chair people if
> there is indeed a lack of interest. If they think they can change it. If
> they think they can attrack people for giving a talk at the conference. So
> that EuroPython can provide a good balanced program to the visitors

Zope track is also getting along. I've now contacted people one-to-one ( 
or one-to-many ) and have confirmed a few talks about Zope 3 and Plone. 
We will see if it would be possible to have the Plone 1.1 release 
celebration in Charleroi - so that would also generate nice interest, 
however this requires that we have the time to make the proper 
propaganda in advance... and I'm working on to confirm as soon as 
possible what we have and can have.

But from my point of view - we will have a program. Question is will we 
have time to raise the awareness, interest and get people to come.
