[EuroPython] what about september?

Nicolas Chauvat Nicolas.Chauvat@logilab.fr
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:16:26 +0100

On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 04:39:41PM +0100, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> What about organizing the new conference in september 2003?

In April, it is the Python UK conference. If we move the europython conference
away from country-specific conferences and US-specific conferences, we will
soon be unable to hold one since there are more than 12 countries in europe and
more than one conference in the US. Python is gaining momentum, more
conferences are organized, all the better. But we should try to make
europython the event that everyone wants to attend rather than to shy away
from the other events. No one would attend every python event anyway...
except maybe some professionnal globe-trotters :-)

Now if we are to move the conference to the fall, I'd rather have it in
october for everyone to get a chance to be back to work from vacation and
have time do the last minute preparation work.

BTW, something we discussed last week with Nicolas Pettiaux and Denis Frere
was to have the event last three full days and dedicate the first day to 
businesses with actual happy users presenting their own use case and
explain why python made it a success.

Any opinion ?

Nicolas Chauvat

http://www.logilab.com - "Mais oł est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)