[EuroPython] interview procedure

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Tue, 21 May 2002 12:44:32 +0200

Hi there,

If we're indeed going ahead with interviews (we have the Python Language
Track, Python Apss Track, Zope track and Science and Industry track in
favor at the moment), then we need to make some plans on how we conduct,
format and publish them.

Publication won't be that hard if we format them right. Something very
simple that a script can HTML-ize seems enough. Let's say:



with empty lines between question and answer segments. Name can be an
abbreviation/first name if we have a segment on top explaining them.
Perhaps we should call the person who asks the questions 'europython' so
people don't miss what it is about. :)

Interviews can be 'conducted' in email or on irc. Procedure would be for
the interviewer to slightly edit the interview and send it back to the
interviewee for approval, then if approval is in we can go ahead and publish 
it on the site. We need a small 'press release' type thing we can send
off to the various news sites to announce the new interview.

I imagine conducting it remotely will be the normal pattern; perhaps
even the best that people don't interview people they know too well already,
or they won't ask the right questions (making too many assumptions about
stuff they know about already, perhaps), though at the same time they
shouldn't be entirely new to the subject matter either, or they won't
ask the right questions either. :)

We should come up with some 'stock questions' we can use to get interviews
started. We should look at other interviews for this. Anyone on the list
have experience with conducting interviews?

We definitely need interviews of Guido and ESR if at all possible. Next
would be for various other people listed on the front page, and so on.

