[EuroPython] Re: Message au Zopemaster

Olivier Deckmyn - Ingeniweb olivier.deckmyn@ingeniweb.com
Thu, 9 May 2002 14:11:12 +0200

Done : http://www.zopera.org/Members/odeckmyn/europython2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com>
To: <zopera@zopera.org>
Cc: <europython@python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 1:12 AM
Subject: Message au Zopemaster

> Hi,
> Would it be possible to add a EuroPython banner to the Zopera site?
> We're trying our best to make this event as great as possible. Both Python
> and Zope enthousiastics will find something in which they interest.
> Your site reaches a lot of people and it would be great if you gave
> EuroPython2002 (www.europython.org) a chance to become a solid event
> somewhere in Europe, every year.
> You can download the banner at http://europython.zope.nl/images/banner_03.
>  It would also be great if you could announce the following on the site as
> well:
> "The EuroPython Conference Team announces the first major Python and Zope
> Conference in Europe to be held in Charleroi, Belgium on June 26-28, 2002.
> The European Python and Zope Conference is an initiative by the EuroPython
> Conference Team to bring together Python and Zope users and developers.
> is also an opportunity for those who are interested in these technologies
> learn more about them. This will be the first major European event
> solely to the Python programming language and its applications. Since
> is seeing a lot of use and much important Python software is developed in
> Europe, European Python community members felt it was high time to
> such a gathering."
> Many thanks in advance,
> Tom Deprez.