[EuroPython] Payment, taxes, accounting, badges

Andy Robinson andy@reportlab.com
Mon, 6 May 2002 22:29:07 +0100

> > I do need to know fast where the 'database' will be and what fields will
> be in it, and we'll make sure that  badges can be formatted fast.
> Mmm, the data will be on several places... ShareIt, EuroZope (if we can
> finish it) and hopefully SWIFT payment.
> So we should create our own database. I can do that on the 
> EuroPython site,
> we only need to decide which information we need.

My main worry is that my team and I know next to
nothing about Zope.   But ReportLab have a very fast
MySQL database hosted behind our web site - five of them
in fact - and all our tools are already installed on 
www.reportlab.com.  I suggest the minimum work solution
is for us to create a database, and grant access to anyone
involved.  Rather than making web input forms, we
can use ODBC so anyone with a Windoze box can just
paste stuff into Access and it's there, or review it.
Likewise there are many MySQL admin GUIs.  We can
make some fake test records and start work before
real data arrives.  If this is OK, say so and I will
set it up tonight....

> >If whoever is running the site wants to do the work, we could let
> registered users design their own.  Also let them fill in stuff about
> themselves,
> That's difficult, this would be only possible if we can manage 
> the EuroZope
> payment, since that is the only solution where people fill in data.
> With VISA people pay through ShareIT and with SWIFT people pay 
> through there
> bank.
> >and format a whole conference info pack with timetables and  
> talk synopses
> etc. which people download and print beforehand -
> > which saves the conference money on printing.
> Good idea!

This is an idea for a promo I have long wanted to do
- everyone at Seybold, XML-One or whatever (which I
could never afford to attend) gets a 'conference
pack' in real time generated by ReportLab!  the back of
the pack wwould have a discrete 'how we made this'
article too :-)

- Andy