[EuroPython] EuroPython Legal Structure

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 21:31:47 +0100

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > - What is the program ?
> >  Will there be really accessible presentation for simple human beings ?
> The tutorials ?! 

Sure, some tutorials will be. We can certainly do presentations for
simple human beings if there's a demand. :)

> Some business talks will certainly be.
> >  Will the the presentations be translated ?
> The business talks will be held in English.
> Not sure about the tutorials. In general, I think English
> should be the language of choice in most parts of the
> conference.


> >  Why would it be interresting for local population ?
> To get to know interesting people from all other Europe and
> many other parts of the world. The city could also have interest
> in Python for their own IT department.

Right, all sorts of IT departments in fact should be interested. 

> > - How many rooms and which infrastructure will we need ?
> At least 3 conference rooms, 1 network room with Ethernet
> Internet access, coffee lounge, room for booths, poster
> stands, conference signup.

We need to map this out a bit better. It depends in part on the tracks
we'll have.

> >  Will there be hands-on tutorials ?
> >  How many machines ?
> Good question. Who is going to do the tutorials ?

We will have tutorials. We do need to arrange something about machines;
this was on my mental list. :)

> Depends on the budget... BudgetTeam ? 
> I suppose we go for something like EUR 250 for the 
> whole conference, or EUR 100 per day. Students pay half.
> That's cheap for a conference ! (Less is of course better,
> but I doubt the budget will provide for this)
> >  If we're making benefits, will they get something back ?
> We won't make any money: P3B is non-profit. In fact,
> it is more likely we'll have to pay on top, just like
> Foretec that last two or three times.

Foretec has paid employees, we so far don't. That's a major cost factor
scrapped. Also we still have good hopes for CEME. We need to cost the
conference, and then we know how much we should ask.

I still think we can do it relatively cheaply -- more like 100 EUR for the
conference, possibly. 300 * 100 euro is still 30000 euro, and if the factors
of employees and renting the whole conference place are indeed nonpresent,
what are the other major costs?

I mean, I realize that's 30k euro is a pittance in one sense, but it'd like
to see our budget. So far our costs have been about 0 euro.. :)

> Should be announced on:
> 	http://europython.zope.nl/draftwiki/ConferenceExhibitors
> I'd say EUR 1000,00 per booth is a good ball point figure.
> We might need to ask for more, though, depending on how
> many booths we can have.

And at the same time we may want to provide individuals with the
opportunity to present their stuff.. Difficult.

> > Could we have pre-registration forms (speakers, sponsors and visitors)
> > where good-will people could give us as much information as possible
> > to try to find answers to these questions ?

I'm moving ahead on the call for speakers. We should do the 
preregistration form after that.

Thanks Denis!

