[EuroPython] Finished brochure

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 23:40:22 +0200

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> John Precedo wrote:
> >As for any new changes: unless it's both urgent and important (ie a serious
> >screwup), I think we are just about done with this static version of the
> >brochure. If there are any tiny and trivial changes to be made, I may be
> >able to fit them in tomorrow if we have time, but I can't make any 
> >promises.
> >It's probably best if you think of it as finished.

Oh, ick, I only got time to review this today, and in particular in the evening.
Andy said you needed feedback today, and it is still today. :)

What is a dynamic version? What do we do with the status versus the
dynamic version?

I guess you missed Infrae's half-page ad (sorry we were late; we can
also do a PDF if EPS isn't right, it's just ghostview didn't like the
PDF we'd generated so I sent the EPS to be sure), and Logilab's as well?

> Anyway, if the other track champions don't mind, I would like
> to add Tim's changes to the database ASAP. I do need some help
> with this though, since there are a *lot* of cut and pastes
> necessary.

Sure, send me a mail with the Python tracks stuff and I'll go through it.

