[EuroPython] Finished brochure

John Precedo johnp@reportlab.com
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 20:58:54 +0100

I've put up a copy of the finished brochure at:

(The size has now gone up to 2 Mb)

I've added the remaining interviews, and made as many of the changes that
people requested as I could.

As for any new changes: unless it's both urgent and important (ie a serious
screwup), I think we are just about done with this static version of the
brochure. If there are any tiny and trivial changes to be made, I may be
able to fit them in tomorrow if we have time, but I can't make any promises.
It's probably best if you think of it as finished.

We'll be working tomorrow to set up a dynamic version of the brochure. More
details as it happens.

John Precedo  (johnp@reportlab.com)    Developer
Reportlab Europe Ltd  (http://www.reportlab.com)