[EuroPython] Conference brochure draft for review

Andy Robinson andy@reportlab.com
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 10:52:40 +0100

OK everyone, that's a ton of great feedback :-)  I must
publicly thank John Precedo, my colleague who did 90%
of this and who isn't on the list (or at the conference).

One general remark about size:  I think the emerging idea
is to have the fullest possible brochure, for people to
print off at home before leaving and read it on the plane.
We can't expect the organisers to print 250 x 50 pages.
It would be really good if most people could print TWO
copies and be ready to drop one in a box at reception
for anyone who forgot - fault tolerant distributed 
printing architecture etc. etc.

If we have text amends to any of the talk details or
the interviews, can we arrange to fix them ON THE WEB SITE
so we just pull the test down?  

>From our viewpoint we'd like to be told "all amends to
talks are in place" or "interview X is now proofread".
I don't know how best to organize this - does anyone
have time to help today (only)?

I think tomorrow we'll aim to just pull down all the latest
source text and talks again, whatever state it's in,
and go with that.


Andy Robinson