[EuroPython] Any News ?

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 20:38:04 +0100

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> I was wondering what happened to the EuroPython effort... ?

Agreed. I've been quite distracted by work so I didn't get to
move ahead very quickly. I have arranged the right people talk about
the website however, but now it's up to them to get it going, hopefully.

> The conference date is only a few months away, so we should
> start thinking about announcing the conference, setting up the
> web-site, finding accomodations, etc. The financial aspects
> are also important e.g. how high will the conference costs
> be ?

> We should start looking into these things soon in order to
> be able to find speakers and people willing to do tutorials,
> BOFs etc.


> We need to get the word out, otherwise, noone will show up
> in Charleroi :-/

Much agreed.

We should be announcing the conference ASAP, but I was waiting for the
website to be at least there at all and a couple of other things..

