[EuroPython] Maybe, The Euro Python Layout...

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 00:11:51 +0100

Stephan Richter wrote:
> So, it is decided that Zope will not appear in the conference name? I 
> though the conference was named "EuroPython and EuroZope Conference"?

It's just been decided (I hope :) that the name will remain the same:

European Python and Zope Conference (2002).

The short name remains 'EuroPython'. Python remains the main thing
everything resolves around.

Any further debate we'll have next year if we're to organize another
conference. I think attendance figures (or possibly registration figures
already, if we ask for some extra data) will already give us quite a bit
of input on whether the decision to keep 'Zope' in there was the right one.

