[EuroPython] Press release in Italian

Nicola Larosa nico@tekNico.net
Sun, 17 Feb 2002 08:35:50 +0100

[sent this yesterday, by mistake, to Martijn only]

 >> I added a page for the press release in Italian, I will translate it as
 >> soon as the deadline elapses (that was next Friday, right?).

 > Yup, tomorrow. Thanks!

It is done. (As Atrus said.)

It looks like there's some kind of bug in the Wiki, the "More Information"
section towards the end keeps going on in bold after the title, and even
more so in Italian than in English. Yes, I know we are bolder. ;^)

Anyway, the stuff is there.

"I was wondering if there's any kind of definitive nickname for Perl
programmers, the way we call ourselves Pythonistas?" - Aahz Maruch
"Masochists." - Daniel Klein

Nicola Larosa - nico@tekNico.net